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Bollinger Updates its Pick-up but is Silent About its Production Plan

A tweet has served Bollinger to equate the look of Khloe Kardashian with the redefinition of the style of the interesting truck that does not finish reaching the market. The company founded in New York but now based in Michigan has used Twitter to show its new “design with production intent,” an expression that says a lot and says nothing simultaneously.

The main design evolutions cover various areas of the bodywork of this electric SUV with a retro aesthetic, reminiscent of the Land Rovers of yesteryear. The main change in the exterior of the vehicle arises from the advances made in thermal management.

The Bollinger B1 has managed to reduce the radiators’ size while employing a new slim cooling unit behind the bumper, where you will benefit from the better fresh airflow.

For its part, the company has eliminated the two double radiators that were mounted on the top. The front lights have also been moved following a design and assembly line similar to that used at the rear.

Deeper retouching

The design variations also affect the vehicle structure that now has the most forward B-pillar, with which the rear seats will have more entry and exit space.

The pick-up windows abandon their characteristic sliding system to switch to a traditional manual crank. This feature makes the Bollinger the first high-end electric car (by price) to use manual handles on the windows. A solution from the past was reused for being “lighter and more reliable,” according to the manufacturer itself.

The B1 shows a higher waistline so that the “greenhouse,” referring to the upper part of the car entirely in glass, grows vertically for greater occupants’ comfort.

Technical characteristics unchanged

Regarding Bollinger B2, its main figures are a dual engine with a total power of 614 HP, acceleration from 0 to 60 MPH in 4.5 seconds, and a 142 kWh battery.

Over the years, the Bollinger dream seems to evaporate due to the lack of a concrete production plan. The project has been exciting and fading, while on the horizon appear real products with concrete action and production plan and development, such as Rivian, Tesla Cybertruck, and GMC Hummer.

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