Following Tesla’s release of its Q2 financial results, Volkswagen chairman Herbet Diess has made a big statement suggesting the California based company has the potential to become the most valuable in the world.
Tesla announced last week that it exceeded expectations in regards to its Q2 2020 financial results. In a time when almost all other automakers are reporting losses, the electric automaker was able to deliver a sizable profit despite the hardships brought on by the current global pandemic.

Diess commented on Tesla’s results via LinkedIn to congratulate Tesla while stating that he believes Tesla could join Apple and Volkswagen, in the race to become the world’s most valuable company within just 5 to 10 years stating “Elon Musk delivers results that many didn’t think possible. They show that electric cars can be profitable. As one of the few automakers Porsche AG (e.g.), Tesla will drive through the Corona crisis without a loss quarter. It confirms to me that in five to ten years, the most valuable company in the world will be a mobility company – that Tesla can, Apple or Volkswagen AG,… Hot.”