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Tesla Arcade to Receive 3 New Games with v11 Software Update

Happy holidays! Santa is bringing 3 new video games to Tesla’s Arcade platform. Well, Tesla is bringing 3 new video games as a portion of its bigger holiday software update, but we’re tryin to stay in the holiday spirit!

Earlier today we received confirmation via tweet from Elon Musk that Tesla is still planning on releasing its bundle software update, v11, before the end of the year. The CEO said Tesla is just “ironing our a few bugs’ before it launches and Tesla owners and enthusiast or anxiously awaiting as very little information about the update has been released. That is until now. On reddit, a picture of the release notes was leaked (via /u/Embarrassed-Top):

Although it’s in Norwegian, the release notes show some headlines that include new driving visualizations and scheduled departure changes, among other things. For those features, that’s about as far as the information goes. However, the presence of 3 new video games are clearly listed in the notes and will most likely be launched on Tesla Arcade with the v11 software launch. The games include: The Battle of Polytopia, Cat Quest, and Kabal (Solitaire).

Tesla has been working on Tesla Arcade in hopes of optimizing the fun of Tesla ownership. Tesla was even reportedly building a new video game, software, and user interface team out of Austin earlier this year. 

As far as the rest of the v11 software update, we’ll just have to wait and see what kind of new and requested features it will entail upon its arrival.

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