Apple has confirmed to Axios that it has acquired In the process, it has hired dozens of self-driving engineers, most of which will work on engineering and product design.
Also known as Project Titan, Apple self-driving car its nothing but a rumor at this point. The fact that they are hiring more engineers shows some light on the Apple Car.
The news comes from a report from the San Francisco Chronicle. It says that Apple hired a “handful” of employees from a self-driving startup named Drive.ia. The company is set to close its doors by the end of the week.
According to the article, Apple was thinking of buying the failing company earlier this month. This acquisition would let it incorporate dozens of employee. According to four ex-employees LinkedIn profiles, they are working on “special projects” for the company that created the iPhone.
It’s unfortunate destiny for Drive.ia, but Thomas Yih the CEO, remains positive according to this statement:
“ plans to close its Mountain View office by Friday. The cuts include chief executive officer, Bijit Halder, and its directors of finance and robotics, a company official said in a June 12 letter sent to California’s Employment Development Department.
The notice said the company’s situation could change “due to subsequent events beyond’s control or current knowledge,” wrote Thomas Yih, the company’s general counsel. Yih did not respond to a request for comment.”
Update: Apple has confirmed to Axios that it has acquired