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Super Bowl: Electric Car Ads

Super Bowl is well known for its billionaires’ ads, and this year we got some electric car ads as well. The new wave of EV on ads can indicate that the automakers are investing more and more on their products.

Audi launched a new campaign featuring Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones:

GM launched Hummer’s new electric vehicle featuring Lebron James:

Porsche featured the Taycan, its first all-electric car:

Ford got the time to show a little bit more from its Mustang Mach-E:

Each 30-second ad can cost around 5 million dollars and the exciting thing is that Tesla had its ad for free. How come? The automaker always said that it wouldn’t spend money on advertisement and instead of that, would rather focus on the deliveries of its products to generate word-of-mouth.

It worked out last weekend since many Super Bowl athletes agreed that Tesla has got the most excellent electric cars at this moment, and some of them already pre-ordered the Tesla Cybertruck, letting the world know through their social media.
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