Uber and EVgo Strike New Deal on Electrifying Rideshare Programs

In a new announcement by the companies Uber and EvGo, the plans to create an electrifying system of rideshares will come into action.

During Climate Week in San Francisco, the two names decided how they will start their new program. The beginning is aimed towards Uber drivers and a plan on educating them about EVs.

There are already Uber drivers that use electric vehicles, but for those that don’t, it is important to be knowledgeable of the new techs coming to the market. 

It is even better to acquire and learn how to use an EV since the maintenance cost can be lower than a ordinary gas-fueled vehicle. The two companies will be responsible for providing new information regarding the matter to the drivers.

This attitude was expected at some point, especially by Uber. Its rival, Lyft, had already made commitments on reducing their carbon emissions, while the other company didn’t even make a statement related to the subject at the time. Due to the success of Uber, which has more clients than Lyft, it is an important step to show their concern for cleaner transportation. 


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