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Battery Day: Big Tesla Event Should Happen Only in September

Tesla’s next big event should only take place on September 15, according to Elon Musk. The executive recently announced that “Battery Day,” in which the firm would bring more news about its products, will not take place on July 7 and be postponed up to two months.

According to Elon Musk, the company should bring together Battery Day and the presentation to the company’s shareholders on just one occasion. While the new date has not yet been defined, the executive points out that it can be held on September 15.

On his Twitter, the executive explains that the date is still an “attempt” to hold the event. Elon Musk also promised that, as expected, the presentation will include a tour of Tesla’s battery production line.

Tesla’s Battery Day promises to be the company’s biggest event since the Cybertruck unveiled last year. The presentation focused on the company’s batteries was expected to occur initially in April but ended up being postponed to July because of the pandemic.

The new postponement was announced by Musk last week via Twitter. The executive did not give many explanations on the matter but said that the date of the Battery Day and the presentation of shareholders should be confirmed by July 4.

Tesla’s Battery Day promises to be the stage for the presentation of a company battery that lasts 1.6 million km of life. The executive has also confirmed that he will bring news about Cybertruck during the event.

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