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MINI Cooper SE Comes to the US Costing $29,900

The new electric car, MINI Cooper SE, is coming to the American market in March 2020. The price is quite attractive.

The small vehicle by BMW, from the MINI series, was announced with the specs of a city car. The range stays around 235-270 miles, with a torque of 270 Nm. The acceleration goes from 0 to 37 mph in less than 4 seconds, while 62 mph is achieved in 7.3 seconds.

MINI Cooper SE will have an additional cost of $850 for the Destination & Handling fee. Despite that, the price of the car itself can get better with Federal Tax Credits or even EV Tax Credits, allowing the cost to get around $17,900.

Michael Peyton, the Vice President of MINI of the Americas, said:

“US pricing of the new MINI Cooper SE was set to establish this new battery-electric as a true class leader in making premium electric mobility more accessible to a broader range of customers.”

What are your thoughts on the car?
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