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Tesla’s Long & Winding Road From Palo Alto To Grünheide

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Tesla has been looking for a good place to build its first European factory for several years, and has been wooed by any number of local, state, and national governments. So, how did it choose the city of Grünheide in the German state of Brandenburg? An antique 12 passenger Russian Antonov biplane figures prominently in the story, according to the New York Times.

The plane is owned by Jörg Steinbach, the economics minister of Brandenburg. Earlier this year, he took Elon Musk up in the air to view a proposed factory site. Steinbach promised Musk he would get building permits for a new factory in 4 weeks instead of the usual 11 months. To be fair, much of the permitting had already been done for a proposed new BMW factory, which BMW decided to build in Leipzig instead.

Read The Full Article On: Cleantechnica
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